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Shawn Darley

Prophetess Darley was born in Sumter S.C. to Sis. Lula Darley and Brother James Green. She has one son Prophet Laquante Dayvon Darley. She was raised in Greenhill Missionary Baptist Church in Alcolu S.C.

She accepted her calling into the Gospel Ministry, October of 2006 at Unity Missionary Baptist Church, where she later did her initial sermon on January 14, 2007 using the topic "Do you want to bless the family or cruse the family the choose is yours".  After completing her sermon her Spiritual father Rev. Dr. Sonny Bridges licensed her to preach the Gospel of Jesus Christ. She has served in many areas in ministry. God has now called her to oversee Anointed Touch Ministries where she has dedicated her ministry to the broken, assisting the homeless, disabled, domestic violence victims, and helping everyone that she can along the way. Her Motto is "I got a charge to keep and GOD to GLORIFY therefore I'm pressing toward the upward call of God in Christ Jesus." I love and serve Jesus because he first loved me, when I was sinking in my sin.I was broken to build up God's people. There is beauty in our brokenness IT'S ALL FOR GOD'S GLORY.


Contact Information:

(843) 246-3095




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